Click to Watch CBS Sunday Morning Feature

Click to Watch CBS Sunday Morning Feature

Since the fall of 2006 Wendy has been working with Jim Cleere’s fourth grade class at the Donald McKay School in East Boston.

What started out as a one time visit to the classroom has turned into a life changing experience for both Wendy and her kids. Touched by their interest and commitment to her mission of climbing the Seven Summits, she knew that one visit to the class was never going to be enough. Going back time and time again, and taking each year’s class on a mountain climb to Mt. Monadnock, Wendy has forged amazing bonds with the 4th graders at Donald McKay. Today, elementary school students in classrooms around the US are gaining knowledge, confidence and inspiration from Wendy’s adventures.

Combining relationships with school kids across the nation with the wonderful work accomplished by her Foundation in Nepal seemed like a natural fit. The Other Side of Everest Fund provides for the care and education of the children of climbing Sherpa killed in accidents in the Himalaya. By partnering with public schools in depressed areas, the Foundation also educates American youth about other cultures and demonstrates that despite their own challenges in life they can appreciate what they have, achieve their dreams and give back to others.

Partner classes, such as Jim Cleere’s 4th grade students at the Donald McKay Elementary School, incorporate Wendy Booker’s climbs into their classroom curriculum and raise funds to help support children in Nepal through Pennies for Sherpa drives. Underprivileged children in two worlds are united; improving their odds of success and nurturing well-educated, caring citizens who can give back to their communities as adults.

“Isn’t it amazing the unexpected twists and turns that make up our lives, and how serendipity really can create magical things.” Wendy Booker

If you would like to host a Pennies for Sherpa Fund drive or learn more about Wendy’s non-profit, The Other Side of Everest, please click below: