A Real MS Champion!

When were you diagnosed with MS and what was the first thing you did after you found out?: In February 1992 I was first affected by MS. While playing basketball for Wester Wyoming Community College I collapsed on the court with seizure like activity. After that evening I was hospitalized twice, misdiagnosed on three occasions and it wasn’t until November 1997 that I was diagnosed with MS. After almost 6 years of dealing with different neurological problems I was relieved to be told that I had Multiple Sclerosis. I finally knew what was causing all of those neurological problems.

What advice would you give to someone just finding out they have MS?: We don’t have to just accept and deal with the challenges that MS brings our way. There are an abundance of resources out there to help with the challenges of MS, use them. Remember that attitude everything. We can choose to be negative and miserable or we change find something positive in what we are going. This is not just the MS it is life in general that we have a choice.

What is something good that came out of your MS diagnosis?: I thank God for letting me have MS. I value life more and have a deeper appreciation for the abilities I do have.

What is your morning routine?: I start most of morning at 6:00am going to spin class or when the weather is nice enough riding my bike outside. Depending on the day, I may need to take one of my 20 minute naps just to recharge for the rest of the day. The morning is the best time of day for me.

How has MS affected your daily life?: It totally depends on the day as to how the MS affects my daily life. It’s not even day to day but hour to hour, minute to minute. I may be having a great day until I start getting dinner ready and then by the time we have finished dinner and I go to stand up I find that my strength and stability are zapped. This is when I need to be humble and ask for help or even be okay with leaving the dinner mess until later or even tomorrow.

Can you remember your saddest memory of your life?: Having my grandmother pass away and then having to bury her on my 17th birthday. She was one of my best friends growing up.

Can you remember the happiest moment of your life?: The day I married my incredibly supportive and loving husband.

What is the greatest achievement you have done since being diagnosed and how were you able to achieve it?: I’ve had a number of great achievements since being diagnosed with MS. Let me share the most recent achievement…

The Colorado-Wyoming chapter of the National MS Society honored me with the MS Champion award at their annual Dinner of Champions. The video will give you a bigger picture of some of the blessings and challenges life with MS has brought me. You can click on the link below to watch to video clip.


Any other thoughts you would like to share?: My dearest Wendy another happiest part of my life is you and your friendship.