I have lived with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) for the past 9 years.  The disease can be very frustrating if you let it.  During the initial diagnosis and investigation of treatment options I was very frustrated about the lack of a cure.  It can be a very debilitating disease effecting over 400,000 Americans. Through medicine requiring regular shots, changes to my diet and changes to my lifestyle, I have been able to continue to do the things I love including Pilates, yoga, skiing, and taking care of my young grandchildren. .

When I was first diagnosed I was almost embarrassed to tell anyone including my close friends.  Then as I learned more about the disease and after going to many meetings and functions of the local chapter of the National MS Society, I began to share my disease with others.  The first reaction of many was “oh I am so sorry “and I would say I’m not.  Then people would say but you look so good.  I would say how am I supposed to look?  They didn’t know what to say.  When I grew up in Utah I only knew one person who had MS and she had 5 children and lived for a long time.  One thing to remember is nobody dies from the disease they die from complications caused by MS.

I am sure I had MS for many years before being diagnosed.  Once being diagnosed I went to several neurologists before finding Dr. Chaudhary who literally saved me from being in a wheelchair.  In 9 years the results of my annual MRI’s aren’t any worse and I am functioning well.

I try not to worry about the future but just function with my daily life the best I can.  I participate in many Multiple Sclerosis functions including the annual MS Walk, MS Challenge Walk and MS Dinner Auction.  I have a very supportive husband who is always there when I need to talk to someone about any struggles I have with MS.  

I am out to conquer my disease and not let it get the best of me!

Thank you for your donation
Ellen Beshears
619 823 2394