Team on the South Pole
Now don’t get jealous….but on a recent perfect October morning it was too good to pass on so I headed to the beach with my over weight mutt, Cada. Perfection summed it all up.
So as I walked the half-mile stretch of beach my mind was all over the place. For those of you who know me this is no surprise. I have been called out on this characteristic of mine many times. My kids refer to my distracted moments as similar to the dog in the movie UP – when anyone said to that pooch the word “squirrel!” – and he was then all over the place.
Anyway, the surf, the sand, the happy pooch running after the gulls took my mind on a ride. Suddenly I began to think of a dear old friend, Josh. Josh and I have climbed many a mountain together, shared tents and lots of laughs. Josh is a firefighter in Phoenix with the biggest heart I know and the loyalist friend on earth.
Josh never forgets me. He calls frequently just to check in. He follows my blog, my website and if I am speaking anywhere near Phoenix, he will show up. He is always upbeat, always positive and I don’t know what I would do without his steady, unfaltering friendship. There aren’t many Josh’s out there. How lucky I am to have him.
Speaking last week in Las Vegas at IMEX International, the theme of the conference is Team Work. You know, when you start to analyze your life and how things evolve and unravel you will see the common thread of the people who were there with you, your team. Personally, I don’t think we ever accomplish anything alone. Look at every success and failure for that matter you will always see people there with you in one form or another.
Recently I went to a symposium sponsored by MassBio. The theme was the value of Biotech: Defining & Building Value in Healthcare. Investors, providers, payers and patient/patient advocates made up the distinguished panel. They were there to address what biotech and pharma need to focus on to provide value and be relevant moving forward. Wow! There are actually people out there identifying and listening to the patient, the investor, the physician and huge companies. Talk about a team!
It got me to thinking about my work with the local food shelter, Open Door. We serve meals to the public, have a food pantry and many community services to provide food and care to the people who need it. I love volunteering in the kitchen preparing and serving the meals.
Course my status as a ‘non-cook’ is often put to the test. I would much rather sing out of tune and wash the vast quantity of pots and pans. But Ken who runs the program is a gem! Never once has he so much as raised his voice to me, or anyone else working there. He treats each and everyone, from the dinner guests to the troops in the kitchen with respect. His leadership creates harmony in the kitchen and a hot wonderful meal to those who need it. Not possible without that team!
So here we are, those of us with MS. Everyday can be a challenge. Everyday can be both frightening and exhilarating, depending on the day…depending on our MS. But look around did you make it through your day alone? Most likely you did not.
There was probably a team behind you, some silent, some cheer leading, some helping you get to a doctor’s appointment or a stranger helping you on the city bus. I’m betting your day was defined by teamwork. I know mine always is.
These are just a few examples of the value of teamwork that popped into my daily life as I was happily walking the beach. I will thread these examples into my talk next week. I will carry all of you with MS along with me since you are a big part of my team.
And Josh? He will be the team leader because we all need someone like Josh, who likes us for who we are…despite ourselves.
Come climb, explore and join my team with and for MS!
- Wendy
Wendy Booker
Author, Speaker and Life Adventurer