Changing Altitudes

I am thinking with the season’s changing it is a good time for me to take mental stock and change along with the season. It has been another magical summer full of all the things I love… self discovery, new friends, new experiences. I also have been so comfortable with all that is familiar, spending magical days with my 93-year young mother!   

This summer found me climbing mountains, cycling, swimming in the quarry at sun up, and even taking up a new sport – stand up paddle boarding. And on top of all that, I have set my sights in a new direction… well, not really new… better said – expanded.  

I can’t say this transition has been effortless. But then nothing of value ever comes easily. And if it did come easily would I appreciate and value it as much? Probably not.   So I have launched my new website along with the new blog Changing Altitudes that I am also sending out via email to people like you who have along the way asked me to keep you posted on my whereabouts.   

My mission without a doubt is to educate, motivate and challenge those living with MS or any challenge that prevents them from living the life they thought. No, this isn’t a new mission for me at all – but it is time for me to expand on it and to use all that I have done to now take all of you on the adventure with me.   

A few Saturday’s ago I was a guest of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society at PBS for a taping of the highlights for  the world wide MS Conference. There is some amazing science out there and the general feeling of optimism and encouraging new studies in the treatment and progression of the disease.   

I am in awe of the collaborative efforts of the MS Societies globally as they have come together, to pull resources and to address the progressive side of MS.     Several therapies are in the testing stage for Myelin repair, natural supplements to prevent progression is also being studied. The theory was also discussed around second hand smoke and it’s impact on the disease and in contracting MS.   

And my favorite topic on the list, the one that each and every one of us can do right now today is in taking advantage of the incredible value of exercise. It is fascinating how these efforts have helped with cognition, progression, energy, mood and more.    

I walked away from the event once again reminded that we are not alone in our struggle with Multiple Sclerosis. Today, in 2014 we can and should be hopeful and optimistic that the face of MS is changing. I encourage you to be a part of that change. You have that power and choice within you!   

You can see and hear the entire webcast at the for me? Well I can tell you that not only will I be reaching out more and more to the MS community globally through webinars, blogs and public speaking but I too have another adventure brewing! I’ll fill you in as soon as it comes together.   

Come climb, explore, mush and advocate with and for MS with me!   


Climb On!  

- Wendy

Wendy Booker 
Author, Speaker and Life Adventurer